Project Description:
The Tangipahoa Parish Landfill is located in Independence, LA. The original Landfill Gas Collection and Control System was voluntarily installed and operated as a carbon credit project to reduce the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere in October 2010. The Tangipahoa Parish Landfill was the second Carbon Credit project developed in the state of Louisiana. The emissions credits have been registered and sold on the California-based Climate Action Reserve (CAR). It should also be noted that the Closureturf Final Cover System has also been installed at this facility. As part of this installation, the Surficial Gas System was also designed and installed to capture LFG at this facility.
FE&C personnel assisted with Air Permitting, Landfill Gas Collection System Design (GCCS), GCCS Technical Specification Preparation, Construction CQA, and Flareskid Performance Specification Preparation.